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Posted on June 23, 2016

Why Recommends Association of Wedding Gown Specialists Cleaners

In our May blog post, Your Wedding Gown – Cleaning versus Preservation, we just grazed over the cleaning aspects of a wedding gown and mostly focused on preserving and storing.  I think that’s because I am still of the generation that says you should preserve and store your gown, but according to Josie Daga, founder of, the landscape of what a bride does with her wedding gown is changing.  Many brides these days are choosing to sell their gowns, and the reason for reselling isn’t because of money.  Here are a few reasons brides have given Josie regarding reselling their gowns:

  • “Some memories don’t belong in a box”
  • “It’s way too pretty to sit in a closet”
  • “I want to share it with someone else”

During a recent conversation with Josie, the most interesting piece of information I took away was that brides, even after their wedding day and those that plan on selling their dress, are worried about their gown being ruined.  That’s one of the many reasons why recommends dry cleaners that are a certified by the Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS), a non-for-profit trade association of specialty cleaners that has been around since 1987, for wedding gown cleaning, care, and alterations.  Why is that important?  Well, AWGS members clean wedding gowns using standard museum-quality practices.  We evaluate each gown individually and then customize the cleaning process accordingly.  Further, cleanings are only done by Certified Gown Specialists, who in turn provide a written international guarantee.  You can return your gown to any one of its members, and the gown will be inspected and pressed at no charge.

In addition to the cleaning, AWGS certified cleaners have been granted permission to certify the condition of the gown prior to listing it on, which helps the bride because clean gowns appraise at a higher value.

Selling your wedding gown seems to be an up-and-coming trend.  Sharing your gown with another bride definitely has its benefits, and buying a pre-owned gown offers brides the opportunity to purchase a higher-end or designer gown at a more reasonable price.  Plus, besides getting a beautiful gown, a bride that wears a pre-owned wedding gown not only develops a friendship with the seller, but she also wears a dress that has a story and that is developing a personality of its own.

Selling your wedding gown isn’t for everyone, but if you decide to go that route, we definitely recommend using

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