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Posted on December 15, 2021

Shores Valet Service

What if you could get all your clothing care needs covered without having to leave the house?  Shores can do that for you with our new Valet Service.  On Monday, October 18, Shores launched this new service with the help of our Valet, Marsha Brown.  You will love Marsha.  She has over 30 years of experience in customer service; plus, she is incredibly friendly and uniquely qualified, making her the perfect fit for Shores Valet Service.

How Shores Valet Service Works

  • Currently this service is available in Winston-Salem; Greensboro routes will begin soon.
  • To sign up for this service, call 336-725-0077.  Any Customer Service Representative can sign you up, or feel free to email to sign up.
  • After signing up, Marsha will contact you, introduce herself, make note of any cleaning and delivery preferences, and set up a payment method.  During the call, she will also schedule a time to drop off a starter kit.
  • On Sunday evenings, you will receive a text in which you may reply “Y” to schedule a pickup for Monday.  Simply fill your bag and have it outside in a pre-determined, weather-safe location by 8:00 a.m.
  • We will pick up your items, clean and press your garments, and return them to you on Thursday, hanging them on your door hook.
  • Anything you drop off at Shores can be picked up at your front door; you don’t even need to be at home.
  • Prices for all services are the same as they are in the stores.
  • There is no minimum order requirement.

​Shores is excited to be offering this new service to the residents of Winston-Salem.  It’s Shores quality and service delivered to your front door.  For more information, email

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