Posted on November 20, 2018
The truth is that I could have easily posted this blog back in July; most offices (and churches and grocery stores and…..) are cold year-round, and so I find that I carry around a cardigan sweater to most places in the summer. But there’s something about being cold in the winter that’s different. Perhaps when it is summer, you can always walk outside and warm up. In the winter, you drive to work in the cold, walk to the office where it’s cold, and work all day inside an office that’s cold.
So, what can you do? Here are a few tips that will hopefully help you survive.
- Layers up top. It seems like when my body is super cold, it’s because my arms, hands, and torso is cold, so I start with a t-shirt, undershirt, or something like a long sleeve Cuddle Dud. Add a long-sleeve dress shirt for men, and for women, add a top or long-sleeve blouse. Then you can top with a pull over sweater or cardigan or even a blazer. Finally, add a scarf around your neck.You can tie it in such a way that it will add a nice touch to your ensemble while keeping your neck warm. Avoid wearing things with hoods, shawls, or anything that looks sloppy.
- Wear long pants and socks. This may sound obvious, but my first job out of college was at a bank, and women were required to wear skirts and dresses – always. Even if you wear tights and boots with a skirt, you’re still going to feel a draft. With pants, you can always purchase lined trousers or wear a layer underneath, plus warm, thick socks always help.
- Bring a space heater. If your employer allows it and be sure you follow the manufacturer’s directions for safety purposes.
- Let the sun in. Open your blinds if the sun is out. Sunshine will add warmth, but if it’s gloomy outside, you may want to rethink this plan.
- Move. Sometimes just getting up from your desk and taking a brisk walk around the building can help take the chill off. You may find that you need to lose a layer, even if only for a while.
Obviously, all these suggestions depend upon your work environment. If your job requires you to interact with the public, you’ll want to choose clothing that communicates professionalism, and if you work in an environment with machinery, you’ll want to be sure that nothing you wear poses safety concerns.
Of course, the downside to all these layers is that you must wash them. Be sure to consult the care label to make sure you are providing the proper care for all your clothing, and if Shores can be of assistance, just drop by one of our three convenient locations.